
Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lesson 12: How to Remove an Object in Pixlr

Lesson 12: How to Remove an Object in Pixlr

Getting Started

1) Open Pixlr Advanced

2) Open an image that you want to remove an object on it,

Brush Adjustments

1) Select Clone Stamp Tool(s) from the tools menu on the left side of the screen.

2) Then adjust your brush size on the top of the screen according to object. I will go with 30.

3)After that, adjust the opacity. I recommend you to use a value between 90 and 100. I will go with 95.

remove unwanted objects

Note: If you have trouble about finding tools, this may help ; 
             Basics of Pixlr

Removing the object

1) We have to take a sample pattern to apply it on   the object. 
   The Clone Stamp Tool is change the pattern as selected before
   In our example, I want to remove the pink car so that I have to choose the road pattern

remove unwanted objects

2) Press "Ctrl" to select the pattern.

3) You have be very careful while using this tool because. It does not stay stable while removing the object. The point the you choose will change according to your mouse movements.

4) By clicking the left button of mouse remove the object.

remove unwanted objects


1) Move your brush in the same direction all the time. Otherwise, it will look like blurred.

2) If you are not satisfied with your sample pattern, you can always change it.

how to erase an object,


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